503-223-1101 hello@admailinc.com



  • We aggressively recycle in all departments and utilize local area recyclers
  • We minimize waste
  • We offer a wide array of recycled papers and envelopes
  • We offer soy-based inks for offset printing
  • We recycle our waste ink
  • We recycle our ink and toner cartridges
  • We re-use any packing material when possible
  • We return extra material, or recyle, based or your request
  • We communicate postal changes and mailing efficiencies to you, so that you can better target your mailings, mail fewer pieces, yet achieve better results
  • Our entire company works to conserve energy. We follow the motto “If I am not using it, it is not on.” All energy consuming equipment is turned off when not in use, or switched to power-saving mode.

Our Data Processing department works to make your mailing very green

We NCOA all address files for presorted mailings to remove “Undeliverable as Addressed” pieces

We give you post NCOA files with updated addresses, or PDFs of address changes made, so you can correct your files and avoid future waste

We offer duplication removal services: by individual, by surname, by address, or by criteria you specify

We offer Paperless Proofing for your digital print projects.